Sunday, June 27, 2010

Pinch Me!

I'm still walking around in a daze ~ in shock that this is really, FINALLY happening! Yesterday our agency gave us some paper work that Brandy had filled out...medical history, birth father info, and the same personality & interests forms that Adam and I had to fill out. One of the things Brandy liked about us is that Adam was a Longhorn (he's not excited about that or anything ~ LOL!). In her paper work on the Sports section for likes she put: "Longhorn football" dislikes: "Oklahoma (Boo)." So there you go, another confirmation that this is a match made in Heaven! So the last question on her paperwork was, "If you had three wishes guaranteed to come true, what would they be." This was her #1: "To find the perfect family for my son." Wow, that's us! Adam and I both teared up when we read that. Brandy told Victoria when she was looking through Life Books and came to ours, "Why hasn't anyone picked them, they're great. I don't understand why they haven't been picked!" Then she said, "God was saving them for me!" Thank you Jesus for your goodness, faithfulness, and perfect timing!


  1. Wow Rachel. I am in awe. What a wonderful thing to read! It is so exciting to read YOUR excitement! May God continue to bless you, Adam, and Brandy!

  2. I cried. I hate to cry, and I cried. I am so happy for y'all. I'll be looking for the sign in the yard in September. Remember, I am right around the corner. If you need anything, let me know. Shannon

  3. This brought tears to my eyes! She was right, God did save y'all for her son!
