Wednesday, March 9, 2011

6 Months!

At six months Michael is weighing in at 18 pounds and is 27.5 inches long. At his check-up we found out that he has extra large tonsils :(.
He lost most of his hair and now his new hair is growing in. It is hard to tell what color, but it is certainly lighter. He wants to put everything in his mouth, as you can see from his monkey pics below. He isn't doing a lot of rolling over, he can do it, just doesn't do it much. Michael is getting the hang of the church nursery (bed babies class) and is far outnumbered by girls...the only boys are Michael and his buddy Micah. Not only is he in the nursery on Sunday mornings but also on Fridays while Mommy attends Bible Study. We are thrilled that his adoption will be final later this month!! We continue to praise God and are so thankful for our precious son. Our hearts overflow with love.

I just want to chew on my monkey!

Two bottom teeth

THE Favorite

My future's so bright I have to wear shades!

G-Daddy and NaNaw came for a fun surprise visit and brought the much loved puppy dog!

Sitting up more and more without help!

He LOVES to "Stand Up" so big!

First food...not so sure about this! He has had avocado, sweet potato and moving on to bananas. He is slowing getting the hang of it.

Floor space in the guestroom has now become our playroom...until he is old enough to climb the ladder to his secret playroom. (I say 5 years old, Daddy says 3, we'll see...)

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