Michael Addison turned 5 months on February 9th. I know everyone told me how quickly the time would go by, but man, it's way too fast!! My baby boy is so big. He is wearing size 9 month and 12 month pajamas. He moved into size 3 diapers yesterday. He loves to "stand up" with us holding him ~ I need to get a picture of that. He is full of smiles, giggles and belly laughs all day long. Peek-a-boo is his favorite game. He really enjoys his exersauser now...interacting with the toys more and gets excited when he makes something move. Currently his favorite toys are his linking rings and a giraffe that sings the ABC's. He is so much more aware of his world now. He thoroughly checks out every room we're in, even if he has to practically turn his neck all the way around. Teething has kicked in. He is chewing everything he can get his hands on and we've had some rough nights. When I put teething gel on his gums I can feel two bumps on the bottom...just a matter of time and we'll see his first pearly whites! We are anxiously awaiting the finalization of Michael's adoption. We have our last home study on February 24th and will hopefully soon find out our court date.
Super Bowl time!
We have had some cold days, but Michael stayed warm and toasty!
He is starting to roll over more. I snapped this pic of him sleeping so sweetly on his side during one of his naps.
What a super cutie! Can't believe he's five months already!