Friday, August 27, 2010

What a Mighty God!

We had a bit of a scare this week. On Tuesday we went with Brandy for an ultrasound, fully expecting everything to be fine. Brandy had a tremendous amount of amniotic fluid and Michael's stomach couldn't be seen...nor was his stomach seen on the previous ultrasound weeks earlier. So the concern was that Michael may have a swallowing problem and was not swallowing the amniotic fluid. So we prayed and had everyone we knew praying. Well today we went to a specialist that has a super duper ultrasound machine and guess what ~ we could clearly see Michael's stomach. It would fill up and empty, just like it should! THANK YOU GOD!! The doctor checked out everything possible with his ultrasound machine and Michael is doing just fine! He has a head full of hair too! The doctor is convinced the excessive fluid is due to Brandy eating too many carbs and sugary foods/drinks. She has orders to eat protein & veggies and drink lots of water. The doctor also said he will be very surprised if Brandy makes it to Sept. 9th. Our bags are packed and ready! Can't wait to meet Michael Addison!

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