Tuesday, April 12, 2011

7 Months

Time please slow down! I truly can't believe how fast the time has gone by. My baby boy is already 7 months! He has been a busy little fella too. He is rolling all over the place. He loves to sleep on his side. He has taken a liking to eating solid foods. Peaches seem to be his favorite, followed closely with bananas. He now has to do breathing treatments at home and he does so good with them...doesn't fuss and fight at all, what a sweet baby! He loves to be outside, doesn't matter if he is in the stroller, in our arms, in his swing, or on a blanket...just don't put him on the bare ground! If you noticed our attempt at bluebonnet pictures then you know what I'm talking about. Well, we had an early Easter egg hunt at church, so I of course wanted a picture. We sat him on the ground surround by eggs and he pitched a fit. I don't know if it is the ground that bothers him or us not being down there with him. Anyway, messes up my photo opportunities! :) He is weighing in at a whopping 20 pounds and he has officially moved into size 12 month clothes, not just in pj's anymore. Still only has the two bottom teeth, I am expecting more any day now. He seems fascinated by animals and gets very excited when he is near one. We are going to make a trip to the petting zoo very soon. He continues to be such a happy baby with the sweetest disposition. I am so touched when I hear, "Oh, what a sweet baby!" Or when I hear, "Is he always this good?" and I get to answer, "YES!" We are so very, very blessed.

The attempt at the "cute" picture.

Sweet picture with Aunt Sherry from church at the Easter egg hunt. Michael is smiling at Uncle Moe.

Naomi loves Michael and likes to give him kisses. She is trying to get his attention in this picture.

Michael and his buddy Micah.

1 comment:

  1. Lila was always wierded out by textures too. Hated to sit in the grass or the sand! If it makes you feel any better, it's one of the signs of a gifted child. :)
