Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Divine Mail Delivery

WOW! We mailed our initial form to the adoption agency on Monday to College Station and today (Tuesday) at 11:20 am an agency staff person called, with our form in front of him! Whew, I think our form must have had an angel deliver it! When I saw the agency's name on caller id I think my heart skipped a beat! Enjoyed my visit on the phone very much. He said, "You're doing this at a great time!" You see step #2 in this process is an adoption seminar at the agency that only happens twice a year...wouldn't you know it they are having one January 8 & 9! If we had waited 'til mid-January to send our form in then the whole process would have been postponed at least six months. I feel so much that God's hand is in this!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

A New Journey Begins

I am thrilled to announce that Adam and I are beginning the journey of adoption! The initial paperwork is in the mail...here we go! A BIG SHOUT OUT and thanks to my friend, Katy Cummings, for leading us to Aggieland Adoptions. Yes, I know, "AGGIE" is not in the vocabulary for a Texas Longhorn and a Baylor Bear, but with God ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!! We love everything we have learned about this adoption agency.
Please pray with us as we go through each step and phase of this long process. Pray especially for the child God has just for us.
Happy New Year ~ praying 2010 will be bring us a new little life to love!
~ Rachel

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Well, after my second follow-up to the miscarriage, I'm finally back to normal (a month later). So, my fertility specialist asked me yesterday, "What now?" "What do you want to do?" Adam and I had already decided we aren't making any decisions until after Christmas. We're just tired of thinking about it. A friend told me about a great Christian adoption agency in Bryan/College Station that only costs $12,000. All the others I have looked at are almost $30,000 ~ BIG DIFFERENCE! The cost has been one of our biggest issues with adoption.

Please pray for a young girl (18 years old- senior in high school) in our area that is pregnant. She needs guidance and wisdom from our Heavenly Father...whether to put the baby up for adoption or to keep the baby. We are praying for God's Will in the whole situation, for all involved.

Anyway, back to the doctor. I told him all of the above and he was very encouraging. He then told me to "keep trying." He said it's not absolutely impossible for me to get pregnant, just challenging. I told him my mom's story ~ adopted twice and then got pregnant (with me). So who knows what God's plan is!! :)

Please continue to pray for us. I think we are doing pretty good. We have good moments and sad moments, but mostly good. Adam and I have grieved differently, and not at the same time, which is good so that we were able to encourage each other. I think the holidays will be the hardest...we would have been working on the nursery over Christmas, etc...

Thank you for continuing our journey with us. Can't wait to see what God is going to do!

"May you grasp how wide and long and high and deep My love for you is; a love that surpasses knowledge...YOU CANNOT ASK OR IMAGINE THE THINGS I AM PLANNING FOR YOU!"

Ephesians 3:18-20

Much love,


Monday, September 14, 2009

Skipping September 13th Next Year

Ok, so Sept. 13, 2007 was my Dad's lung surgery. Sept. 13, 2008 Hurricane Ike hit. Yesterday, Sept.13, 2009 will go down as one of the worst days of my life. My miscarriage began around 4:00 pm, lasting through 1:00 this morning. I have never experienced such pain. Those that have known me a long time know that I've had several painful times in my life. Not only was this physical pain the worst I've had, but it was attached to such heavy emotional pain. I regret so much that I didn't listen to my friends that encouraged me to insist on a D&C. I'm upset with my doctor for not wanting to do one. No one should ever have to experience what I did yesterday. I won't go into details with you (I'd be happy to share with you personally if you want them). Adam was such a blessing and a trooper last night. He held my hand through the whole thing. Bless his heart, he can't stand the sight of blood, but he spent the whole night cleaning it up. We leave tomorrow for our vacation ~ thank goodness!! I'm looking forward to a time of healing and renewal for us.

On a happier note, I am blessed to have such sweet sisters in Christ. I have had a precious gift left on my doorstep each day. It may seem simple, but they shined a happy light in our most dark days. It meant more to me than I can express. I hope that I can return the love and joy that they have given to me. I love you girls!!

Monday, September 7, 2009

I Will Not Be Moved

I have been the wayward child
I have acted out
I have questioned Sovereignty
And had my share of doubt
And though sometimes my prayers feel like
They're bouncing off the sky
The hand I hold won't let me go
And is the reason why...

I will stumble
I will fall down
But I will not be moved
I will make mistakes
I will face heartache
But I will not be moved
On Christ the Solid Rock I stand
All other ground is sinking sand
I will not be moved

Bitterness has plagued my heart
Many times before
My life has been like broken glass
And I have kept the score
Of all my shattered dreams and though it seemed
That I was far too gone
My brokenness helped me to see
It's grace I'm standing on


And the chaos in my life
Has been a badge I've worn
Though I have been torn
I will not be moved


~ Natalie Grant

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Just Breathe

I realize my last post was rather negative, but that's just where I was. I think it hit us so hard because we really didn't see it coming, totally BELIEVED everything was OK. We might still be in denial until I start bleeding. My doctor said it could happen anytime in the next 2 weeks. Once that happens they will do another blood test to see if my levels are back to normal and do an ultrasound to see if the sac is still there. We are going on vacation Sept. 15 for a week. Had no idea when we planned it that it would be so timely, but God did! It will be great for us to get away. We have tried to stay busy. Friday was better than Thursday, and today was better than yesterday. It was beautiful outside today, so we worked outside almost all day...stopping to watch Baylor WIN (I needed that)!!!! I talked to God quite a bit while working outside today, I admit I was talking and not really listening. I know He must have something unbelievably amazing for us...can't wait to see what it is! I realize there will be good days and bad days...good moments/bad moments. Have you seen the New York Life commercial...makes me weep!! In the mean time, we continue to seek Him and follow Him. Adam and I reminded each other today of all the things in our lives we are thankful for...we are so blessed in so many ways and can't lose sight of that. I like to think that my Mama is rocking my three babies in Heaven...makes me smile and cry all at the same time.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Blighted Ovum

Blighted Ovum...not a term I knew before last Thursday and wish I didn't have to now live the reality of a "Blighted Ovum." Our appointment with my fertility specialist was at 9:15 this morning. I just knew and had such a peace that everything was going to be OK. I was wrong. The sac had grown, but was still empty. My doctor was certain in his diagnosis of "blighted ovum," but wanted me to get a second opinion. So, he made a call to a Women's Radiology Specialist in the medical center...they were going to work me in at 12:30. I arrived at 11:45 and by 2:30 I began falling apart. Sitting there for two hours watching these very happy pregnant ladies there with their hubbies for their 3-D ultrasounds. Yes, I was happy for them, but in the middle of my heartbreak, wondering if my baby was OK or not, I just couldn't deal. So, the lady at the front desk just couldn't have someone crying the way I was in their waiting room. They sent us upstairs to an empty office with a pager. So, Adam and I sat there alone and cried. At 3:45 they finally paged us. At 4:45 I was finally in the scan room. By 5:00 we knew for certain our baby just hadn't developed. They assured me it wasn't my fault and I know that.
I don't understand and I'm angry. I'm angry that we have spent $21,000 on IVF and still no baby. I don't understand why God would allow me to get pregnant, only to have it not come to fruition. Part of me is thankful that for a few weeks I was finally able to say, "I'm pregnant!" I'm also glad to know that I CAN get pregnant and I'm not completely broken. The other part of me feels that it would have hurt less to not get pregnant at all.
I assure you that I do know that God is sovereign and I know He has a plan and I do trust Him. I'm just in a lot of pain and don't understand. I know He gives and takes away and maybe someday the reason will be revealed.
My friends, I know how much love I have for you. I would imagine if the tables were turned I would want to run to you and hug you and try to fix it. I'm asking that you not do that with me right now. I'm not ready to talk. I'm not ready for hugs (even though I love them). I'm just asking for some space and time to heal right now. On the other hand, I don't want you avoiding me like the plague either. Aaaaahh, I don't know what I want!!!
I know how much you have prayed for us and I can't thank you enough...there are just no words. I would ask that you now pray for comfort and wisdom to know where to go from here.
All my love,

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

One more thing...

My doctor just called. He is encouraged, but of course doctors can't say anything definitive. He said, "Your levels are rising quite nicely. We need to get you in for an ultrasound and see if we see something growing." So, I'm going Thursday morning (exactly one week from last week's ultrasound) for the ultrasound. Please continue praying for our miracle ~ thank you from the bottom of ALL of our hearts!


PRAISE GOD! PRAISE GOD! PRAISE GOD! He is so good. My Hcg level on Thursday was 4, 612 ~ very good news. My Hcg level from yesterday was 24,086 ~ we think this is Excellent news!!!!!! We are very encouraged. We are thrilled to show our doctor that God is in control and He is powerful!! We are waiting to hear back from the doctor as to whether he wants to schedule another ultrasound and/or hcg test. Please continue to pray ~ it's working!!!
"May you grasp how wide and long and high and deep My love for you is; a love that surpasses knowledge...you cannot ask or imagine the things I am planning for you!" Eph. 3:18-20
"Call unto Me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know." Jer. 33:3

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Not Good News

Well, today is not what we were expecting. Last night at around 5pm I began bleeding and cramping. This lasted about five hours. I didn't call the doctor b/c I knew we were going in this morning. The ultrasound showed a gestational sac, but could not identify a heartbeat or yolk sac. The doctor said this is most likely a "blighted ovum" or "anembryonic pregnancy":
A blighted ovum occurs when a fertilized egg implants but does not develop. Placenta forms and a gestational sac is present, but no embryo develops inside the sac. No yolk or fetal pole is present inside the sac. Read more: http://pregnancychildbirth.suite101.com/article.cfm/early_pregnancy_failure_blighted_ovum#ixzz0POuk3jSC
The doctor also said that he hopes he is wrong and we pray that he is wrong. Hopefully we're just missing something, maybe a slow developer. We did an Hcg blood test today and will do another one on Monday in hopes of seeing my levels rise. If they do not rise then he will take me off all meds and I should soon have a period. He doesn't think a D&C will be necessary.
Please keep us in your prayers...we're still waiting on our MIRACLE!!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Bit of a Scare

Well, we had a quite a scare Friday evening. I began to spot, just a very small amount, but enough to frighten us. I called my doctor and he put me on bed rest for the weekend. We immediately prayed for God's protection over our baby (or babies) and He has answered that prayer! We again give Him all the Praise and Glory...the spotting has not reoccurred!! I have an appointment with my doctor on Thursday for the ultrasound, so unless there's another problem he doesn't need to see me before then. I will continue to take things slow and easy. Adam has waited on me this weekend and has been absolutely wonderful ~ he's the best husband!! Thank you for your continued prayers!!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

An Exciting Day

Yesterday was fun and not-so-fun. I had a great lunch with my Aunt Pat and cousins Kathy and Lauren. We went to a quaint little tea room here in Friendswood and had a wonderful time celebrating our pregnancy news. Then...my first bout (more like seven) with morning sickness kicked in. Oh my goodness!!! I will spare you the details. I'm learning now that I need to keep things "just right" with my tummy...not too empty and not too full. My sweet friend Courtney came to the rescue and got me feeling better just in time for Adam and I to go pick up our brand new baby mobile! We traded in my old Ford Explorer (thank you "cash for clunkers" - it really was a clunker...we had to jump start it to get there!) for a Honda CRV. It will have plenty of room for one or two car seats. For those that haven't heard, my HCG level was double what it was expected to be ~ so we might be having twins!! We'll find out next week (Thu) when we have our first ultrasound and hopefully see a heartbeat. Stay tuned!